Sunday, July 24, 2011

Paris summer 2011 part 1

I was fortunate enough to spend this June and part of July in the city of lights/love/delightful little pastries. My agency had suggested that I try working in Paris, my mom has colleagues there, and she was going to go to Europe for work this summer anyway. So it all worked out beautifully. I must tell you that anything I say about the city is completely biased. From the moment I set foot there, it was love at first sight. The first time I went it was great, but the second, it was magic. If you ever get the chance to take a lights of Paris by night tour (or something like that) you too shall understand my passion. Or if 10 story department stores sound like heaven to you, they sure do to me. If I were a character in a movie I would probably be the assistant in The Devil Wears Prada who starves/almost kills herself to get nice clothes and go to Paris. It’s bursting with everything you could ask for: art, museums, architecture, food, fashion, history, culture and all kinds of beyond interesting people. This time I didn't get to do quite as much sightseeing as I would've liked, but it was wonderful anyway. We stayed in a cute little studio by canal Saint-Martin in the 10th arrondissement. Very lively picturesque neighborhood. I can't say I didn't get home sic. But other than chez moi, I don't think there's a better place to be. 

On my daily walk to the metro station. 
I can't tell you how much I love subways. Especially well organized ones. I love them almost as much as I love Paris (wow). Tell me it doesn't sound awesome to be able to go wherever you want, without having to worry about traffic, what you're doing to the environment, or your budget. Not to mention forgoing drivers ed. Call me a socialist (fyi: not an insult in France) but I think public transportation is pretty friggin great. It's a different lifestyle, one I think the French have mastered very nicely. But, if a Parisian absolutely must drive, they generally do in ity-bity, teenie-tiny, so small and funny looking that most Americans would laugh at, sized cars. Peugeots, Fiats, Citroens, you get the idea. No horrible gas guzzling Hummers and SUVs. Can you tell I disapprove of L.A.'s driving habits?

Maybe it's because not as many people get married in Europe. Maybe it's because we're all just weird. But my mom and me weren't the only ones waiting to see the bride and groom come out. When they finally did it just seemed a little more special, a little precious than back home. I feel like we, and the other strangers watching, left with warmed hearts. Happiness is contagious. 

My first foray into documenting street style. So cut me a little slack. I had to ask if I could take her picture in French! Evidently she understood me, but I subsequently turned red as tomato. 
Mommy and me at the market

My cool cheese guy

I know it looks like burned bread, or a rock, or a brick. But alas, this is cheese. 

Our lovely courtyard

Omelette jambon fromage avec salade verte. What was left after a couple mili seconds anyway.

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